After hiding my anxiety from everyone for the best part if 12 years I finally bit the bullet and went to my doctor yesterday, the appointment was initially about my severe blushing but I let my entire story spill and she said I do indeed have general and social anxiety, I already knew this I guess but at least it's official now, her plan is put me on 10mg of clexia/citalopram then get me to Cbt and if that doesn't help my blushing then laser treatment, all sounds well and good but I'm scared shitless of the medication.

I took my first pill today and have had a quezzy stomach since, and somehow taking meds to me is like admitting defeat, I've also read some very scarey stories on here about meds including the one I'm on including suicidal thoughts, I mean I already have these at times without a medication numbing me to it.

I think my mind is pretty much made up that I won't take these pills but what other options do I have, I have various self help books and courses from the likes of Charles linden, and to be fair they really have helped in that I don't get. Panic attacks anymore etc but my life still has no joy, I'm constantly fed up and pissed off, perhaps I need to go through my self help material again?

Any advice very much appreciated,