Oh joy well I have had 2 CBT assessment sessions with the a therapist and they now feel that despite the consultant psychiatirsts recomendation of CBT for my GAD, Panic Disorder & Depression..they dont think CBT is appropriate for me.
So now my GP has had to reffer me back to the Psychiatrist.
Also on the Psyc's advice the GP last December reduced my Mirtazapine from 30 to 15mg cause it's not helpful for GAD patients so it seems.
Am all over the place at moment and the GP has put my Mirt back upto 30mg.
Has anyone been in this type of situation ? and how did you get it sorted.
The CBT therapist did suggest an SSRI maybe better for me, but the GP won't change the Mirt until the Psychiatrist has seen me again.
Talk about going round circles

I'm dreading to think of what will happen now, I feel like that the Psychiatrist is gonna think I'm just been awkward.

It's really stupied that for years I have been treated for depression, then when I saw the Psyc consultant last November as I had started with low moods again so was referred by the GP, after 1 meeting with the Consultant she says I dont have depression but diagnosed GAD & Panic Disorder