Having a real bad time at the moment. I seem to be in pain from the minute I wake until the minute I go to sleep. Lately I have been getting terrible bloating. Somedays it's so bad I can't do my trousers up. Today I found myself rubbing my stomach like I used to when there was a baby in it!

It is particularly bloated in my upper abdomen. It is quite hard and makes me look pregnant. It has been weeks now. I take Omeprazole and have done for a few weeks but I'm sure I started getting this bloated feeling before taking them (but nowhere near as bad). When I lay down it's not too bad and the pain is not waking me up but as soon as I get up (even before I eat or drink), it is instantly there. I walk a few steps and my stomach looks large again and causes pain. My stools aren't normal either. I go a few times a day which alternates from runny to feeling constipated. As I write this I am absolutely terrified as actually putting my symptoms down on text makes it sound even more likely to be something bad.

I worry that a huge tumour in my stomach is growing daily and taking over me. Yes, I know I should go to the Doctors but I'm even too scared to do that in case they confirm my fears. I was looking at my stomach in the mirror last night and one side looks slightly more swollen than the other (my right side which is the liver side which makes me even more scared as I have a health fear about my liver anyway).

I do suffer from health anxiety and IBS but can't ever remember having bloating this bad or daily pain this bad. I am fighting with myself to not google the symptoms so I am really hoping someone can help on here and answer one or more of my questions below.

Has anyone suffered bloating and pain that has lasted weeks? Maybe with reflux and taking Omeprazole? Can IBS symptoms really cause this much bloating? If it is something more serious, can it grow this big so quickly? Is there a reason my stomach looks slightly more swollen on one side?

I would seriously appreciate any comments at all. I am so low I can't focus doing anything today and my poor 2 year old is sitting here with me bored because I can't face going out.

Does anyone else feel ill on a daily basis? I just want to wake up and feel positive and look forward to the day ahead but how can I feel positive when I'm always feeling ill?