Hi, wasn't sure where to post this as my medication doesn't fall under any of the listed headings so hopefully some of you will pick it up in the general medication posts!

I have been on a very low dose (10mg) of Amatrptyline for about 3 months and I am keen to come off them when I next see my GP in a months time but am worried of any potential side effects. I felt pretty terrible for the first 2-3 weeks of being on them and actually had some of my worst panic attacks ever as well as groggy heads, drowsyness and bad eyes / blurry vission (sounds great eh).

Anyway I now feel in quite a good place (my anxiety & panic always comes in waves & cycles anyway) I have started exercising, practicing positive thinking and after a good check up at the docs am fairly happy with my health anxiety so I think I want to stop being on meds even if they are a low dose.

Problem is will I be able to come off them without any horrible side effects or worse still getting anxiety & panic attacks like I did when I went on them - I feel I could be ion a vicious circle - I don't want to stay on them 'cos I don't think they are actually doing anyhting that I can't achieve naturally but am afraid that by trying to come off them I may end up in another anxiety / panic cycle ....

Sorry just realised this has turned into an epilogue - any advice / shared stories welcomed
