Help! At the age of 43 I have just found out I am 5 weeks pregnant and I am terrified (it was an accident). I feel sick, have no appetite and can't even bring myself to tell anyone other than my husband. The thought of being pregnant scares me, 9 months of endless health anxiety, I aready have white coat hypertension so my blood pressure will be high. Part of my anxiety is a fear of uncertainty. The uncertainty of a normal birth is something I can't even contemplate, not knowing when it will start, how long it will last for. If I could have a cesarean I could just about go through with this but what is the likelihood of that? A friend of mine was told there was no way she could have one for a non-medical reason and then went through a hellish 36 hour labour with totally unsympathetic midwives, various nasty interventions like ventouse and forceps, she said she felt violated. At the moment I am feeling like I just can't go through with this.