I am beginning to get myself in a panic about tomorrow. I havent been out into town since Good Friday and that wasnt actually even town, it was just sainsburys with my sister. I can only ever go out with my sister now, or with my son, but going with him is less and less because he's engaged now and spends all his time with his fiance.
I dont know if I mentioned in my other post on agoraphobia that my husband of 25 years walked out on me because he had had enough of it .... HE had had enough !! What about ME having enough of it !! but end result I am totally alone and housebound here ..

so havent hardly been out so when I do get to go, I get wound up before hand .... also there are a lot of roadworks down town and causing lots of traffic jams which is another of my biggest fears .... but I am also getting frustrated right now because I am afraid how can I spend the rest of my life like this ... I am just totally stuck and I cant see a way out of it ever :(