I must be getting old, cos I was thinking the other day about advice that I've received - and blatantly ignored, and have now found myself repeating to those unfortunates younger than myself who are around when I get my lecture head on! Here are some of them ......

1. NEVER start smoking
2. SAVE some money every month. Even if it's only a few pounds
3. DO NOT sign up to store cards/credit cards. And especially not at Xmas
4. NEVER put of till tomorrow what you can do today
5. A good man IS worth fighting for
6. Your schooldays really ARE the best years of your life. Make the most of your youth whilst you have no ties
7. INVEST in bricks and mortar. (Why oh why didn't I buy a house during the property slump? I'm doomed to live at home forever now!)
8. A minute on the lips - a lifetime on the hips. Watch what you eat (and I mean health food, not diet food), and get into the habit of taking regular exercise
9. Learn to say NO (and mean it). Or in some cases (FCUK off)
