Has anyone tried magnesium suppliments for their anxiety? I ask because this is a recent train of thought. I have been up the walls for 4 days with increased anxiety and it culminated into a really bad migraine attack. I've suffered from migraines since childhood and never really associated the migraine and anxiety, since the anxiety has only really been an issue over the last 3 years. A friend asked tonight if I thought the two could be linked which prompted me to search online for links between the two. I was astonished to find that the link could be magnesium deficiency and that other symptoms, including muscle cramps, chronic fatigue and insomnia (all of which have caused me considerable difficulties) were also indicators of this.

I intend to discuss this with my GP at my appointment next week, but thought I'd ask about other people's experience with magnesium supplements first. For the first time in years, this all seems to make sense. I'm trying not to get over-excited at the thought of a solution, but its hard to ignore the massive links.
