Hi i've been experiencing this for 2 weeks now, i've been getting really itchy on my arms, neck, tummy, legs, just randomly wherever. and when i scratch(even very lightly) it turns into flat raised bumps that are NOT red. they stay there for a few hours and disappear. and then it starts again randomly, different body parts. i have never read this to be a part of anxiety?
can someone pls help me, i'm losing my mind. the only information i can find about this is some forum with people who have hodgkin's lymphoma(cancer) saying it's a symptom and i'm petrified and failing to function normally due to worry and fears. i doubt it can be mites cause the bumps are my skin colour and not red and there are no prick marks visible and i had it for 2 weeks even though one week was spent at home and the next week spent overseas. i couldnt pick it up from overseas as it started when i was still home. it's a new symptom for 2 weeks. PLS HELP ME.