Hello! Im new to this site, and my friends have been worried about me lately. They think i might be suicidal by the things i tell them, but i think i just have a fear of sharp objects. Sometimes, my dad will say "Felicia, hand me a sharp knife so i can cut this open" and so i will, but as im handing him the knife, i see this mental picture of me stabbing myself, and dying on the floor, drenched in blood. It only happens with knifes, every once in a while, maybe with a pair of sciccors (spelling?)...but the odd thing is, it never happens with a butter knife, only with a sharp knife that u could actually do something with...I dont want to die, i really dont, i want to live, even thought im terribly stressed out, i love my life, and want to stay here, and i cant help these mental pictures...can u please help me figure out if i'm suicidal or if i just have aichmophobia? Thanks
PS: my IM is Felix x0x if you want to talk, or help me