Hi all,

I have been on Mirtazapine since last Wednesday and am feeling really strange. Before these I was on duloxetine which was making me feel very sick and spaced out.

On Mirtz I am feeling really tired and sleepy, since Wednesday I have slept in until 12 noon, having roughly 16 hours sleep a night which is now stopping me from functioning in my everyday life. Luckily I have this week off but I am really worried about going back to work next week.

I am ever so clumsy, so much so I have burnt myself on the oven shelf this week and now have a lovely burn mark on my arm :( I do not trust myself to do any ironing, cooking, washing up, anything basically that i need to concentrate on. I am basically a cabbage, which is something I definately did not want to be.

I was very anxious about going on any antidepressants, having coped for over 5 years without any medication or counselling. However, after finally giving in and with persuasion from my husband I went to the doc and cried for an hour straight about how I can't cope anymore and that I can't 'perform' (my way of coping - acting normal around everyone). I cried myself to sleep and put a smile on my face even though my entire life felt crap, and I felt crap.

On these I feel very tearful and feel tired all the time. I cried yesterday and feel like crying now. These tablets are supposed to make me feel better but now i feel worse. I am due to go back to the doc a week on wednesday to see how i'm getting up.

I don't want to be a cabbage, I want to live my life happily, I want to be normal. I just don't feel like I'm ever going to be that again.

Please help, feeling so lost.

Gem x