My doctor called me today following blood tests on Monday and she said my Lymphocyte count is very low and she wants to repeat the blood test tomorrow.

She was concerned that it is low because of the medication I am on for Crohn's disease and the last thing we want to do is stop that medication following my very severe flare-up last year.

She said she has been trying to call the Crohn's nurses at the hospital for advice but was unable to get through so she will try tomorrow and get them to call me.

Basically the Lymphocytes are an indication of the immune system and because it is low I am at a higher risk of infections, cancers, tumours etc whilst it is so low.

It is one thing after another at the moment so I didn't need this added stress but hey ho that's life I guess.

Let's hope it all works out ok in the end anyway.

Just wanted to update people and have a moan cos I know you all won't mind.