Hi there, Might sound extreme but please read on.

I have used this site a while back a few times but been really stuggling lately so wanted to make the most of this forum as i did find it very useful in the pass.

I am 24 years old and suffered from anxiety problems from a young age which hit a high when i was 19 and suffered from worrying to much about everyone which made me all confused about life and scared. I got though this but i always think the worst of things when it comes to my health and visited to doctors about different problems way to many times!!

This last year i went on medication for the first ever time which did help as i was worried i could have had a brain tumer and became obbessed worring about it. I sorted all this out and came off the med in march only to have another setback lately from a incident which is sending me back down again.
This was due to a visit in Tunisia in March where we went on a thomas cook trip to the rural areas and visited a farm where i got some stratchs from a dog. I was very worried at the time as this happened in a rural area and 3 months on i have started to feel quite ill, have neck stiffness and the last week have a real salvia filled mouth so i have started to worry a lot!! I seriously been thinking i could die and i feel i got legit reasons to worry.

If anyone has any tips on how to block this stuff out and think in the right kinda way that would be much appriacted and if anyone wants to chat about anxiety i would love to as i know first hand how it can effect your live.