Hi Everyone!
I would appreciate any advice that you guys can give me…here’s my situation:

I am a 21 year old female and for the last 4 years of my life I have been convinced that I contracted HIV. I thought I got it from numerous partners, bathrooms, razors, etc. I always somehow convinced myself that I was not at risk and was able to forget about it for periods of time and live normally.

However, in recent weeks my stress levels have been up due to work and I have been having panic attacks frequently. Along with these panic attacks came the thought that I could possibly have HIV. The thoughts consumed me for about 3 weeks until I finally broke down and got tested last week.

That was the first time I have ever been tested in my entire life, until then I have always been too scared. I thought a negative result would satisfy me, however I insisted that my partner also be tested.

My partner and I have been in a monogamous relationship for 9 months and the last time either of us was sexually active with another person was around 11 months ago. Both of our test results were negative, we had rapid blood tests.

My questions:
1. Does this mean that we do not have HIV?
2. Since neither of us has been with anyone else in almost a year and both of our tests are negative, does that mean I can finally stop worrying about this?
3. Or does it sound like I possibly have OCD?
