I feel like a dog chasing its tail.

first off i went to docs about feeling down. he diagnosed depression. plus i had been having panic attacks too.
anyhow he put me on doxepin and gradually i dont feel down very much at all. in fact i dont cry at everything and feel like getting on with my life.

however the panic attacks still come occasionally.
but now i get so tired by the tablets. they say take them at bedtime, but i get so sleepy on them. so doc suggested taking them at say 6pm, but even so i still so sleepy/'drugged up' that my husband has been known to dress me without me waking up!!!!!

still suffering from panic attacks, but now feel anxious all day long no stop. doc says he wont up my medication because of drowsiness, and said he could put me on beta blockers for the panic attacks but wont do so unless i have 4 a day. one every week or so is bad enough!

so now the depression seems to be replaced by aniety and i really cant take it, i just feel like im going round and round in circles :(