and i actually don't know what the hell is going on !

all we've done these past 4 sessions is just talk about all the different problems in my life .

there's so much of it that she even said to me yesterday she doesn't really know where to start and might have to seek 'higher intervention'

what the hell does that mean ? i'm now freaking out that they're going to ship me off to some mental hospital ...

So the way it works , you are slowly forced into situations that you'd usually avoid to essentially 'bring on' the anxiety , so you can face it and learn to manage it ? is that right ?

But it's hard for me to find situations that trigger my anxiety , because it's not situations , my issue is around getting sick and dying and those thoughts pop in and out of my head at various times throughout the day.

So i'm not really being exposed , and when i do feel anxious , i know how to stop it 9 times out of 10 so again i manage to avoid the anxiety by myself .

Am i missing the point somewhere ?

I can't be exposed to my fear because my fear as i've said previously is dying , unless they're planning to kill me ... ha ha .

I'm trying my best to be positive about it but the whole experience is pretty distressing for me , i hate the fact that i do most of the talking , i've listened to myself talk for 21 years , i want someone else to EXPLAIN to me why i'm feeling the way i am , not get me to explain !!!!!!!

Also the sessions are an hour every two weeks and i just feel like it's too long a wait , for not enough time actually in the session . i always feel rushed and the worst part is opening a wound 5 minutes before the end of the session , i always leave feeling emotionally exhausted and pretty much can't function for the rest of the day ... is this normal ??!??!

if this doesn't work what other options are there ?!
stress .