I have a curious question and one that maybe some kind unblushing NMP users would mind shedding some light on.

I have been plucking up the courage to convince my GP to put me on a course of Citalopram . I have been scouring the NMP forums getting my knowledge on the drug and reading your experiences for a while and I am almost resolute that this is something I wish to try.

Strangely enough it’s the loss of my mojo that concerns me the most. Most of the side effects I already have experience without taking citalopram. So I’m willing to go through it all again if it means I gain positive results. It has taken me so long to get my libido up to even half strength while suffering from anxiety and depression and have enjoyed some erm... good times . I’m just concerned that this side effect is unrecoverable.

So I guess my questions are:

Is the possible loss of libido a short term side effect or is it likely to stick around for the duration of the treatment?

If it is a long term side effect, is it possible to get it back by sheer will alone by forcing your libido to over power the effects of the Citalopram? (I am Libido, I am Strong)

And finally and less seriously, if you do manage to overpower this side effect what happens when you finally come off the Citalopram? Do you find yourself with a super strength libido, a penchant for wearing blue velvet suits with frill necked shirts and a compunction for saying “Yeeaah baby” allot?

Thanks in advance for any advise you can share on this topic.