Hey, i'm new here, just found this site while googling my symptoms, it's made me feel a lot better already.

What i have is a pressure feeling in my head, i just woke up early one morning at about 3am 3 weeks ago with it. Over the last few weeks ive just been worrying about brain tumours etc, but i'm starting to calm down now.

I've been to the doctor twice, the first time he checked my eyes for any signs of increased pressure in my head, and he said there wasn't anyway, which was a relief. He diagnosed me with infected sinus possibly due to the problems i have with my teeth. I got medication and went home feeling slightly better, but still with a bad feeling.

After 2 weeks my head didnt get better, so i went back to the docs. This time he diagnosed me with tension headaches due to poor posture.

I felt better for about a day after this, but then started worrying again. Tonight I went to sleep for a while to try and forget about it, then i had a few thoughts.

I can't get to sleep without lying on my back, perhaps the pain/pressure (which is mainly in the back of my head) is due to my pillow not being soft enough so has bruised my head or something. When i lie on my side, my head feels a bit better.

Does anyone have the same head problem as me?

Merry Xmas[}]