Hello guys.

I've been having alot of trouble stomach wise lately. I've been suffering terribly with heartburn for aslong as I can remember, I also suffer from IBS.
Well lately, I have this constant left sided abdominal pain that spreads up to my back & sometimes seems to come from the back area. I also get twinges in my stomach, lower back & groin.
I go from constipated to loose stools but mostly I suffer from sever constipation.
The heartburn has also flared up badly & I can feel it burning in my throat & I get severe chest pain.

But the thing that's mainly been freaking me out is that & sorry for the graphicness but when I'm actually passing stools, it feels like it's burning!!! It's really uncomfortable. lol. Could the acid in my stomach be causing this?

I'd appreciate any advice as I hate going to my doctors surgery...they're all really unhelpful :(
Thanks. x