Well after a rough start (understatement of the decade) at 10 mg, then 9 days at 5 mg, I am on day 3 of the 10mg again. God help me! side effects back, but no quite as bad as the first few days of hell. I am somewhat functional, as opposed to glued to my bed.

Started my day today with raging panic attack at 5 am. The worst I have had in a very long time. Nasty bout of depersonalization/derealization, actually thought the screws had come completely undone. 1mg lorazapam later, not great, but able to move through the day.

The day feels like it has a fog around it. Not thinking to clearly, feel ill, my body is very heavy, and I am not eating well. Life in slow motion, the smallest chore feels like climbing a mountain. Yuck. I am one of the blessed few who doesn't suffer insomnia, but I rather feel like I am slipping into a coma.

Is it possible for this nasty stuff to cause depression? I am taking it for anxiety.....but I sure feel low. How is it even possible to be too low and to wound up at the same time??????

11 more days to hit that magic 2 week mark. I could probably just sleep till then

Thanks for letting me have my pity party.