Hi all. Going back a few years, I was originally prescribed xanax. My condition is one of social anxiety. As my tolerance rose, I became concerned about being hooked on this med. I was then put on lexapro - which worked fine for 1 year. I was gradually reducing the amount of xanax (1mg/day - back down to .25mg or at the best point, none) taken with it - until I had it all but stamped out. Then lexapro bombed out on me.

I went back to the doc with this - and she has started me on lustral. I've spent 3 weeks @ 50mg and just completed week 4 @ 100mg. In the meantime, my need for xanax is going back up.

I am really hoping lustral can do more. Is it too early to make a judgement on it? I am really concerned as at the moment, i am trying to not take much xanax - but find I can't 'hold it together' at work if I don't..