I am at work and in the middle of a panic attack. I can't leave work but I feel like I am going to pass out. My heart is racing and my limbs feel almost as they are both weak but not attached. I have been feeling very weak and achey for several weeks now. I went to the gym at lunch and did a very light swimming for 20 minutes and I got out of the pool feelilng extremely weak, more weak than I should. I have not worked out much in months but even then I feel like I can barely stand and I have pains down my leg to my big toe. I am trying to put a logical spin on this saying that my anxiety has been very high for several weeks or even months. I feel like my body is constantly tense and perhaps the swimming actually loosened up my muscles and released some trigger points and thus is making me feel weak and sending odd signals down my nerves.

I am 39 and long time sufferer of HA. I recently had a full cbc and a blood chemistry a week ago that was fine. i had an ekg less than a year ago but I am feeling so scared that my heart is giving out or there is a tumor in my lungs or I have a nuero disease. I know I am rambling but I can't think, I just want to run away!!!!!!!!