I've been worried about this for a long time, I am only in my 20's but last night i had to go the hospital to be checked out by a GP because i have been ill for the last week or so.

Last night the doctor done my temperature, blood pressure, checked me with a stethoscope and looked in my mouth and made me lay down so he could check my stomach.

When he was examining me with the Stethoscope i remember him checking my back with it but can't remember him checking my chest area with it at all and at the end of the consultation i thought how do you know if my chest sounds clear if you haven't checked it? i think i was looking forwards or up at the ceiling but not remembering him doing it terrifies me for some reason and makes me feel like i am going mad or have got dementia.

My memory has been a bit bad for quite some time but within the last few weeks i had a memory test done at the doctors called a Mini Mental State Examination and i scored full marks on it but i'm still worried about my memory.

It isn't normal to forget something like that within a minute or two is it? How could i forget that he had checked my chest?

I know getting dementia in your 20's is unlikely but it's not impossible is it?