I thought I'd do a post as I've not been on this site as much recently. It's not that I've forgotten it or the lovely and brilliant people I've met through it, but I just decided to take a break and tackle my anxiety more head on. I've by no means got rid of it but looking back to where I was over 2 years ago, and when I joined, I have made massive progress! I don't get anxiety half as often as I did and when I do, I seem to be able to cope much better then I ever could before. I don't even know how I've achieved this as I haven't made any massive changes in my life and still need to find a job etc, but I think something just clicked in my head to make me think differently. Anyway, I just wanted to say thanks to all the lovely people I've chatted with, some of them I don't see on chat anymore, but I will never forget the times they helped me. I'm not leaving the site so this isn't a goodbye message, just a big hug and a big thanks to you all for helping me to get through my worst times with my anxiety Lots of love xxxx