I've suffered with anxiety since I was 4 weeks pregnant with my son in November 2008. After his birth it got much much worse and I ended up having CBT which unfortunately didn't help as much as I would like. My main symptoms are head pressure (like I'm literally boiling like a kettle) and other head sensations, numbness and when I get very scared my heart will beat ridiculously fast, I tremble internally and I think I'm going crazy. Despite living with this almost 24/7 I live relatively normal life, go to work, socialise, do things with my gorgeous son altho it can be very difficult and I do get down about it from time to time.

Well anyway I've just fallen pregnant in the first month of trying to conceive (which has shocked me as I was convinced my ongoing anxiety would stop me ovulating or something like that). Although I know that I suffered with my first pregnancy and my son was born perfectly normal I can't help but worry because my anxiety is far more severe this time and it was present when I actually conceived (unlike the last time). I've had quite a good couple of weeks but the past few days have been awful, constant head pressure and last night my heart was beating like mad although I was sat in bed completely still and I've been having scary thoughts that pop into my head and then I've been even more scared for thinking them and thought I was going mad which just fuelled the anxiety even more.

I'm just terrified about the affects this will have on my baby, it's so negative and awful but I just can't imagine the pregnancy going right because of the way I feel. I am so so so frightened of having a disabled child and it was my anxiety that caused it, it's all I think about. I think I'm going to have to have more CBT to help me through the pregnancy if all goes right. It's awful coz this is all I want, marriage and children yet its the thing that causes me all this worry.

Will my baby be ok? I'm only 4 weeks and so scared that condtant anxiety will influence the way it develops. I'm so down a out it when all I want to do is be happy.

Thank you for any replies xxxxx