I really don't know which way to turn, I feel like I am dying and no one will listen! Admittedly I do get over anxious about my health, this due to 3 very close family members dying suddenly, but I feel that my GP is trivialising my symptoms as 'nothing to worry about' when obviously I AM worried about them.

Basically, I am tired all of the time, not just a tired feeling but a physical I can't keep my eyes open tired! I am dizzy most of the day! I get muscle twitches all over my body and now have started with difficulty swallowing, food will go down as far as my adams apple( this is not every meal but most), it will sit there and I can literally cough it back (sorry gross I know). Constant aching of my breastbone, chest and breasts (which causes me more panic as I keep thinking it's my heart), central back pain. I don't have any weakness in my arms or legs but after just a bit of activity they ache like I have run a marathon and are painful to touch. No weight loss, no muscle wastage that I can see but I am convinced that I have motor neurone disease! I am a qualified nurse and I wholeheartedly believe I have it!

My GP just laughs and says it's all down to acid reflux!!!!! A close friend also mentioned Chronic Fatigue Syndrome with associated Fybromyalgia, as it mirrors alot of the symptoms. I am so anxious that something is being missed by my Doctor that it's affecting my day to day life! Every pain and twinge and cough I go into a panic (which I know is not helping the situation whatsoever). I've started not wanting to go far from home how 'in case' I feel dizzy or my chest or throat are tight and I can't breathe - I'm 38 and it's not life it's a prison - does anyone else have the same fears or symptoms from these fears?