For quite a few years I have been suffering with muscle stiffness, which causes pain and a lot of discomfort, I get it mainly in upper back, shoulders, neck but basically everywhere in my body is stiff.

I've been having deep tissue massage regularly for the past few months which eases things for a few days but then I am stiff again and need to go back for more treatment. I don't handle stress very well and my therapist tells me that I seem to hold all the stress in my body which is making my back so stiff. I've tried so hard to be more relaxed but I just can't do it and the anxiety it causes is making things worse.

What can I do? I keep thinking there must be a name for what I am experiencing but I've been backwards and forwards to doctors and specialists but I'm just sent away for physio and nothing changes, the physio usually just tells me to go and do exercises which I am already doing EVERY day.

It's so frustrating.