Sorry I'm posting again this month but I'm very tired (awake since 3am) and emotional. I have a huge phobia of my periods after my D&C 10 months ago, and a heavy period the following month that caused lots of heavy gushing, it left me terrified with this phobia of my periods.

I'm on day 1, heavy already, well I think it's heavy. I'm having gushing feelings when I stand, I go to the loo and it's filled the middle of my pad, all not pure blood, it's like thick mucus blood, I can literally see it slowly pouring out of me onto my pad. Like a string of it. Sorry for the detail but is this normal for the first 2 days or so? I'm just worried because I have this massive phobia of haemorraging:((((

I usually bleed heavier on day 2 and 3, then bleed bit lighter till day 7-8 then it stops.

I was reading the net about vitamins to take during your period and one a site it said some women can hemorrhage during their period, I'm terrified now, the net is lethal:((( My gp told me it's not possible.

I have 3 children, it's hard to get much rest and I don't want them to see me anxious.