Hi all.

After going back to university last week, I've been pretty good. Didn't have any real anxiety or panic attacks for over a week.
It seems to happen a lot in my case, I'll have some bad weeks of anxiety and panic all the time, which make me want to go see people and get help. Then some good weeks where I feel normal and fine and think I don't need to go get help anymore because I'm better.

So last night I broke the good streak (no attacks for 10 days) with a bout of anxiety and a mild panic attack (I believe they're called limited symptom attacks?) when I was trying to go to sleep. And I've had a bit of an adrenaline rush all day today for no good reason really (consequently feeling exhausted even though I've hardly done anything today).

I hate it when I'm feeling anxious, every little twinge makes me think there's something seriously wrong. Last night I was getting concerned that my left arm felt funny (oh god heart attack time), but it was because I was lying on it...
Seems that when I'm in panic mode, I notice things I wouldn't normally feel, or associate things with something they're not (like last night where I thought a muscle spasm in my left pec was a heart palpatation).

Really ought to register with the university doctor soon, see if I can get them to start me on some treatment, or hook me up to an ECG or something.

Anyone else like this?
