My throat is playing up a hell of a lot, Today it has been driving me mad.

Basically because of the following:-

*Excess saliva/phelgm in my mouth/throat
*I have to keep clearing my throat and that makes it feel sore
*Throat feels very tight like it is closing up or being squeezed
*Breathing feels compromised, I do have Asthma but my breathing is getting worse and it's not Asthma related.
*I dread drinking/eating thinking i am going to struggle to swallow.
*Feels like there is a massive stone stuck in my throat.
*I cough after eating/drinking surely that's not normal? (Makes me think of bloody MND again.)
*Throat just keeps hurting and sometimes i get pain when swallowing or pain after eating.
*I am getting chest pains too and not sure if it's to do with this i think it might start after eating although i'm not too sure.