Hi Everyone, sorry if this is posted in the wrong section..

I am not sure what to think, for the past few days I have been feeling great (not complaining, especially since I have been going through this since Aug/2010), and no meds (nvr wanted to start any, only using Lorazepam on an as needed basis) and its almost like my anxiety/panic attacks was all a dream (wished they were) My last panic attack was about 2 Wednesdays ago, I have had a few anxiety attacks that with calming myself down never reached the Panic Stage and lasted minutes.

I have my first Therapy session on Thursday, so hopefully that goes well, as for my Attacks, I am not going to hold my breath, but so far so good....and wanted to thank many on here who have been there for me, when I needed them, I will always continue to use this site, and not saying goodbye...cause I know I may have still a long way to go with my issues..but takes time....and Its more comforting and reassuring to read others posts who are going through what I am, if not worse...

Thank You