Hi all,

I am struggling a bit at the moment, found out last week that I am pregnant, it was planned so am delighted but I am terrified that something is going to go horribly wrong. I had a miscarriage four months ago and when they scanned me they found a 6cm ovarian cyst which I had removed in September the problem is since finding out I'm pregnant I am convinced I am going to have an eptopic pregnancy and either lose fertility or die of a ruptured fallopian tube. I have been getting twinges in the pelic region on both sides and my ovary (the one that was operated on) feels like it is tugging. To make matters worse I was diagnosed with a UTI on Tuesday which seems to be getting worse with bad pains in my side and back (about waist height) down into my pelvic region. I have been to the doctors 3 times this week and have to go back tomorrow to see how things are and get the result of the urine culture. As well as this I am feeling hormonal, weepy, sickly, have a terrible headache and just keep getting myself into an anxious state about it all, but I must say my main worry is about having an eptopic pregnancy.
Sorry this is so long winded, I guess I could just do with a bit of reassurance from anyone who's had similar issues.