Hi Everyone,

The last couple of nights, everytime I try to go asleep I can feel my heart beating very strong in my chest and anyway I lay. It's a regular beat and not PVCs but it's very frustrating. Last night I was pretty stressed trying to get asleep and then I must have dozed off for a few mins only to be jolted awake and up right with an incresed heart rate. I felt like I was dying, full of fear.

My heart rate came down after a couple of mins but when I tried to go asleep again the pounding remained and stopped me from falling asleep for a long time.

I'm on my own for most of today and keep thinking my heart is just going to pack in and that nobody will be around to help. Thanks to doctor Google i keep worrying about things like Myocarditis, I read smething about it a while ago but I'm afraid to google again incase it sends me into a spin. Anyone know if it sounds like this?

I'm 22 and have had many cardiac tests, ECG's, ECHO, Holter etc... which have all came back normal. The last ECG had was about 4-5 months ago and Echo's and everything else were done about 9 months ago.Could anything have changed since then? I'm just a bit worried. I would appreciate any advice.

Thanks x