Hi everyone,
I've been taking paroxetine for about 4 months now and diazepam for times when I feel really terrible. My doctor said that it would be ok to have diazepam as a back up/for emergencies and it really helped just knowing it was there (nothing better than knowing you have a cure, even if it is only a placebo effect). Anyway, I went back to my doctor yesterday to get my paroxetine and some diazepam just in case as I have run out of them. Then when I arrived I found my doctor has left and we have a new doctor...I spoke to him about the problems and he has refused to give me any diazepam. I've always had it as a backup since I was in hospital & went to a psychiatrist about 5 years ago, this is the first time I've had none around. I'm not addicted, I hardly ever take them (30 lasted me 4 months).
I feel terrible because I have nothing to fall back on. Is it possible I will get used to this and it will be better for me? Or should I try and speak to the doctor again? He wouldn't even consider it last time though.
Thanks for your advice...