hi everyone, new here, and this is my first post . .
I've been prescribed diazepam 2mg to take before I have a procedure - normally I don't mind local anaesthetics and surgery but this is for a removal of a mole on my neck that I have a phobia about. Sounds strange I know! I have had the mole all my life and it has caused anxiety and stress - going to the hairdressers is a nightmare for example, and I can't stand to touch my own neck let alone let anyone else near it. Finally I decided to get it removed and hopefully remove a load of associated anxiety too. Anyway, I have 2 x 2mg of diazepam to take and I don't know if I should take both or just one ( doc said 1-2 30 mins before op). I do need to be very relaxed and not care about it - I'm scared that I'll still be in a state and won't be able to allow the nurse near me - but I dont want to make myself ill by taking 2 - ie will they make me very drowsy and woozy?. First time I've ever had anything like this. please help, sorry for rambling!