I was given a script for 20 mg of Celexa at the end of September. I only took one, and then opted to not take any more because I felt very yucky.

However, after another bout with HA, I decided to start them. Took my first one on Sunday morning.

Sunday night, I woke up every hour or so, sweaty and hot. Not soaking my clothes, just a damp chest. I had a dry mouth, and the sweating made me a bit panicky, and then I'd cough and gag/dry heave. (just getting over a chest cold, so that could be it too).

Monday, I took another. Felt pretty sleepy throughout the day. Chest felt tight. Monday night, woke up once, a bit sweaty again, and mind immediately started racing with my HA fears.

Tuesday, took another one. Was out last night until midnight-ish. Despite being tired, did not fall asleep until nearly 2 am. Woke up at 4:30, not sweaty, but had some panicky thoughts again. Had some heartburn, and could taste supper!!!

Wednesday, today, woke up VERY nauseous. Tummy is rumbling and gurgling. Have drank some juice and eaten yogurt. A cup of decaf coffee. Sipping on water. Feel "out of it." Shaky. Tingly. Still nauseous. Am terrified of taking fourth dose.

I keep reading it will get better. God, I hope so. Does this sound like a typical early reaction?