Hello everyone. This is my first post. I have had a rough couple months, and am glad I stumbled on this site. I had a question about possible anxiety symptoms. The back of my legs tingle to the point that they almost burn. I am stiff behind my knees and calf muscles are sore. This has been going on for about 4 weeks now! I self diagnosed myself in December as having a panic attack. This was due to a fear of having HIV. I had never experienced anything like it before. I was nauseus, dizzy, short of breath, etc. I thought I had contracted HIV from a poor night of judgement where I somehow ended up having sex with a prostitute. This is something I have never done, and something I will never do again, it was the result of overdrinking. Anyway, the panic attack made me think I had HIV. I was convinced. I have had weird symptoms ever since. I tell myself it is panic/stress related, but can't shake the leg tingling, burning, soreness, twitching! The twitching has moved to other parts of the body as well. Will this go away? Do anxiety symptoms last long after the panic attack? Any reply would be appreciated. Thank You.