I've had enough.

The past 2 months have been so unbearable that I can't deal with it anymore.

I have school phobia, during the first few weeks of term I would have panic attacks every day. I don't get them when I go now due to the counsellor on campus but its just got progressively worse from having panic attacks/crying when I got to college but now its like it stops on the Friday night because thats the week over and then it starts on the Saturday night and doesn't finish til the following Friday.

But yeah its the classes and the work thats involved. I couldn't ask for a better group of people to be with but I can't keep up and motivation is at an all time low as I can't even get this review for this online music mag done.

Plus I've discovered I have an amazing ability to go into the toilets at break, cry uncontrollably for the duration of a break (usually 20 minutes), then be totally happy and smiley for the rest of the lesson within about 5 minutes and then during the next break the cycle starts again.
I've cried my self to sleep over going into college for the past 3 weeks and I am so totally sick of it. The counsellor has helped but it doesn't much now as I've worked out how I can push the right buttons to make her think I'm ok, not to mention my tutor has had enough of me already.