I have lots of phobias,
.I have a phobia of cinemas due to the fact that one night for no apparent reason i got the shakes and had to run half way through the film to make it to the toilet before vomiting for up to an hour before leaving and getting home. Ever since i cant sit in a row, i always need to be near an enterance and away from others.
.I hate public transport, cant face people sitting behind me, or facing me (especially crowds) because i dont know wether they are talking bout me or worse. I also panic wether or not i am going on the right train, bus etc and am i going to reach my destination or miss my stop or go a different way ec
.I hate audiences, cant bear to have to talk in front of people, i begin to stammer, sweat and lose concerntration. I worked in a school and my boss tried to force me on stage thinking she was doin me a favour. In the end i gave in and when i had stammered my way through my 1 line, i ran out and burst into tears...and warned them never to do that to me again.
.I hate confrontation, will do anything to stay out of an argument. I would rather run than face a problem, though many problems that come my way i do face them as soon as i can cause i cant stand to feel even more anxioous than i already feel on a daily basis 24/7

sorry fo going on again

....I really gotta stop apoligising x