Hi all

Have been a member on here a while, but usually live in the Citalopram section. Have suffered with Anxiety for at least 3 years now, probably longer as I wouldn't have recongnised it any earlier.

This year I bit the bullet and went onto Citalopram 20mg which has helped a lot. Have also been trying some Mindfulness Meditation, The Dr Claire Weekes book and halfway through a course of CBT.

Am currently going through a blip and feeling anxious again although not as bad as I have been in the past. It has got be to wondering about the principle of acceptance though. I thought I had accepted it, but of course now I am *blipping* I am thinking too much again! lol

I am interested in others experiences of acceptance and if you ever found a "eureka" moment or know when you have started to truly accept it. What do you do when you accept?