Hi guys. Just looking for a bit of friendly advice

I've not been home for around 6 months due to a combination of Uni and work. Going home for Christmas and I'm starting to worry a little.

I had been doing great with the old anxiety problems until recently, when my prescription was delayed and I was without my meds for around 4 days.

The period of coming off them and going back on them has caused me to take a step back.

The positives are, that in that time I have come through several shifts at work without any issues, and also produced a presentation at Uni to a good standard.

But I just got a text from a mate at home saying we're all meeting for Curry & Quiz night at the pub on Thursday.

My brain immediately went to thinking of excuses

If you've read all this, thanks, and sorry for the essay haha.

Any advice would be brilliant and much appreciated

Kieran x