Hi all,

The title is only part of the problem. I've been 'anxiety free' and off meds since April but I'm afraid it's creeping back.

It started a few days ago with thoughts of feeling really fed up and down - nothing to look forward to and feeling like something bad was about to happen. Then it was tiredness with the slight light headed feeling on and off (which I know is stress as I had this before). I feel like I just want to curl up in a ball and go to sleep, like shut down from it.

I've got two more days at work then I finish for christmas day and boxing day. I've got a slight lump-in-throat feeling (had this before) and sometimes I feel worried and I don't know why, like I want someone to tell me everything is going to be ok.

Some of the thoughts I've been getting are like if I'm walking down the stairs - thought of what would happen if I fell?
Watching TV - thought of what if gunmen broke into the house right now?
Watching bad news - thought of what if that happened to me?
Going out in the car - thought of what if I crash?

It's annoying me now and when I'm distracted say at work or busy at home It's not so bad. I suppose I have been anxious about christmas with all the organising and stuff. The other night I couldn't sleep because of different thoughts going through my head.

When I'm like this any little twinge or pain is something serious! As I've been through all this before I know I can beat it and it's not going to ruin my christmas! I've only had baths instead of showers so I can lay and have a flippin' good cry!

Tanya xx