I have been off my work since the start of September as I have been suffering from depression. I am on medication and have been seeing my GP regularly. I don't think that I'm back to full fitness in any way, shape or form, though I'm certainly a bit better than I was. I have a sick note from my doctor which lasts up until the 5th January. I still don't feel ready to return to work though, but I've no doubt my GP will have no problem with extending my 'sick line'.

I work for the local authority as a support worker and have been in regular contact with my manager with regards to Sickness Absence etc. As I have been off for some time now, I have been referred for a medical assessment to Occupational Health. I attend this on the 28th December. I have read some information about the outcomes of such assessments but I could use some advice from people who have been in similar situations.

As I've been employed in my present job less than three years, I will be on half rate of pay from the 3rd January 2011 which, as you can imagine, is weighing on my mind as it's going to be a struggle to cope financially.

If I'm really honest though, I do not want to go back to my job. It fills me with dread when I think about it. I am supposed to support people when I can barely support myself some days! I feel like an empty vessel that someone is shaking upside down in order extract more from. The sickness absence procedure has an alternative to returning to your job if your deemed as not being fit for duty and can 'redeploy' within the company - but there are no available jobs due to the recession so they would probably end up letting me go.

I am worried sick and need some advice please! If I tell my manager I want to leave my job will I receive benefits? If I explain to the Doctor at the Occupational Health Assessment how I feel and am Medically 'Retired' will I get benefits?? Will I ever get another job in the future if I am medically retired? Will it hang over me forever?

Any feedback will be gratefully received.