Thanks Cathy, I only took 20 on Christmas Day and Boxing Day, took only 10 today and actually feel a bit better and I've not need to take the dizapan today as an extra, which I'm chuffed about. Getting up straight away is the answer, as my panic is worse first thing in the morning, I seem to get better as the day goes on. I'm like you and try and do as much to distract myself, so did a load of ironing and hit the shops this afternoon which helped and I feel relaxed for the first time in days tonight.
Tomorrow is another day and you have to take the good with the bad, what I've learnt is take each day at a time, if I don't get such a good day tomorrow not to be disheartened just go with the flow. Its the dread and fear of these bouts of extreme anxiety and panic that feed them and let them get a hold of us and stay with us.
My first panic attack was at 13, then I had another bad spell at 21 and was free for the next 20 years !!? the bad bout I had two years ago came on when I was on holiday in Portugal. I have always had a phobia of being away from home and it just hit me. Its only that time that I actually took medication, I was always scarred to in the past but now I think what the heck, if I was diabetic or suffered with my blood pressure I would'nt think twice about it !! and wants it gets past the two week period I know I'll feel "Normal" again !