Hi all, I'm new to NMP, but have been scouring the forums like a madman for a while now.

For the last 2 months, I have been in near-constant terror of having ALS, or a similarly deadly neurological problem.

This all started after a single panic attack (heart palpitations, numb/tingling left arm, hyperventilating) in August, followed by some anxiety-like symptoms such as a tingling left arm, light-headedness, etc. A doctor's appointment and ECG managed to calm me down and stop the symptoms - for a while.

In late September/early October - about 3 weeks after moving to London to start uni - I experienced my second bout of panic/anxiety, this time suffering from left-eye pain, visual disturbances (flashes of light, floaters, black spots, aversion to light, etc), headaches (isolated to the left side 90% of the time), nausea and tingling and numbness in my left arm and left side of my face. Fearing a brain tumour or aneurysm, I visited the hospital and 3 different doctors, all of which concluded that these were anxiety symptoms and that the chances of a brain tumour were incredibly unlikely due to there being no visible pressure behind either eye. My symptoms gradually subsided once again.

A few weeks later (mid-November), I experienced the tingling/numbness in my left arm once again, which eventually evolved into a feeling of 'weakness' in my arm and hand - although I could still function and carry things normally so I wasn't overly concerned. Unfortunately, I made the mistake of reading about both MS and later ALS/MND online - big mistake! Within a few hours, the tingling sensation had moved to both legs, and the next day I found my left leg to feel particularly weak, as well as stiff around the knee joint. These symptoms didn't subside, and I took myself to hospital once again. After taking my heart rate, blood pressure and blood/urine tests, they concluded that it was almost definitely anxiety-related and nothing neurological. I also visited 2 doctors, the first of which started me on 10mg of citalopram, and the second of which did various strength and reflex tests on my arms and legs - coming to the same conclusion of anxiety.

Unfortunately, my symptoms got the better of me and I quit university. By this point I was experiencing regular 'burning sensations' in my left leg and choking/swallowing problems with the need to cough, spit or clear my throat. I also sensed that I was getting clumsier with my left hand, slurring my speech (or talking 'strangely') and walking with an unusual gait - although nobody has ever noticed any of these even slightly.

Since then I've visited three more doctors, all of which have come to the same diagnosis of anxiety following a series of strength, reflex and blood tests. Despite all the evidence, I still can't help but think that I'm suffering from a fatal neuro disease that nobody has picked up on.

My recent symptoms have included pain in my left arm and finger joints (sometimes in my right), occasional numbness in my toes and fingers (again, normally left side only), a frequent pulsing/crawling feeling in my left palm (like feint fasciculations) that occasionally travels to my right hand/foot and a taught feeling in my left calf muscle. The doctors have still come to the same diagnosis of anxiety, and have concluded that my throat/saliva problems are caused by globus pharyngeas - although I suspect either GERD or post-nasal drip.

Despite the fact that all of these symptoms can be caused by anxiety (which I definitely DO have), I still can't shake my fear of ALS or a similarly debilitating neurological illness. I also know that is likely my fear of ALS that is causing my anxiety to mimic many of its symptoms, and that at 18 years old the chances of having any MND is REALLY unlikely - plus I doubt that any anxiety sufferers actually have the disease they're scared of! However, I still feel that I could be that 1 in a million that has anxiety and a fatal disease at the same time!

I suppose I'm seeking reassurance of just how unlikely it is for me to be suffering from anything serious, and to know if anybody else has symptoms that are mostly unilateral or isolated to a single part of the body - such as twitching in one hand, left sided numbness, etc. Any help would be appreciated A LOT.

Thanks for reading, and sorry for rambling.