I was prescribed Mirtazapine 5 weeks ago. For the first two weeks I was on 15mg and thereafter 30mg daily. I have slept wonderfully since day 1, though as yet it hasn't really had much positive effect on my mood.

On waking each day I don't know how I'm going to feel. Some days relatively good, some days numb, some days irritable, angry and ill tempered and some days just down right depressed.

There's a host of other symptoms that are all widely recognised that I'm sick and tired of to i.e dry eyes, funny feelings in head, feeling spaced out and that's just to name a few. But here's the deal breaker, and I was determined initially I would/could overlook it...but I can't! Weight gain! I've put on nearly a stone in this last five weeks! I already knew that weight gain was an issue with Mirt but I didn't realise just how much, how soon and I thought I could resist the cravings - NOT A CHANCE! The past few weeks my energy levels are low and my legs feel like lead but I am constantly hungry and thinking about what to eat next!

So not only am I depressed, my already very low self esteem is now even lower. Up till now I may have been depressed, but with a bit of make up I still scrubbed up well and, dare I say, I looked slim and attractive. Now I have a protruding belly and I look six months pregnant (I'm not). I've never been thin, EVER! And I've always worked at it by watching my food intake and I went to fitness classes to maintain an average weight but it's been manageable. Not now.

Anyway, long story short, I am stopping these tablets (I am tapering down. I know I need to be careful) and want to know if there's another AD medication that doesn't make users put on weight on most people. I was on Fluoxetine for years and it stopped working for me thus my recent Mirt scripts so rule that out. I'm due to see my Doctor again on 5th January but want to go armed with some knowledge so I can possibly suggest another medication.

Any suggestions gratefully received.