
I wasnt really sure where to post this, but here goes..
I have not been on here or a while, just check in everynow again for a bit of reassurance, but just wanted to tell you my story and road to recovery, in the hope it can help someone.
I have suffered anx and dep many years ago when i lost my baby and also after my second child, who is now nearly six, but had been well for over 5 years, still taking anti d's but missing days out for a couple of years, anyway in April this year after a stressful time ( but have been through worse) i had a panic attack at night, i was giving up smoking and was really stressed at work and home, i was lay in bed had the shaking, and felt like something bad was going to happen, it passed and i went back to sleep, but that sent me on a spiral, thinking it was all coming back, constant thoughts, couldnt think of anything else, completely lost my confidence, couldnt go to work, ( ran out crying) panicing going into shops (never had that before ) couldnt sleep, eat, socialise anything, constant thoughts of everything was bad, although i knew logically it wasnt, anyway doc then increased my dose of setraline, sent me over the edge, (just me super sensisitive to them) thought i was dying, losing my mind, horrendous de-personalisation or whatever its called, i went to emergency docs convinced i would be sectioned, he told me straight away to reduce back down to my normal dose, had a couple of weeks on very low mood, but gradually picked up, eventually went back to work, went on holiday, ithink my last major attack was the day i was going, started seeing my friends again, started doing everything that scared me, dont get me wrong it was very hard, and some days were awful, and i still have bad days, crisis of confidence etc.. like is it going to come back, mind chatter, etc.. But what i wanted to say is, I actually hit 40 on Boxing day and had a big 40th birthday party, with everyone there, was on the dancefloor, made a speech it was brilliant, i would never have thought 6 months ago i would be where I am now and I just wanted to say ;you WILL get better, it will take time but it will happen, i think i will always have a bit of anx, its the way I am but I am enjoying life and very thankful.
Take care and Happy New Year x