Why does xmas and new year always seem the worst time for agoraphobia and panic????? I must admit all that snow and ice had my phobias starting to peak. But thankfully I managed to keep them in check and got through the festive holiday without too much hassle. over the last few days (like most) I have had a chest infection and heart burn..oh in the bad old days my mind would have went into over-drive and a simple chest infection would turn into heart issues but I suppose now I have been here so many times that I can turn it around and be logical.
I travel by train every week and that has been the stepping stone towards my improvement...I had no choice as my g/f lives 50 miles away, so maybe the push was what I needed. I suppose that and building on what I already know about panic attacks/agoraphobia. There are times when it can be tough and I wont pretend that it is all plain sailing...Getting on that train today was a massive step because I did feel ill and I am stuck on it for an hour but just before xmas I was stuck on a train for 2hrs due to snow/ice etc!!!!!

There is that point where you are just about to freak out and you can feel yourself fighting to stay in control. We mostly stay in control and i always have books papers and a note pad to write or draw on.

Big hugs to everyone that has managed just to get past this festive time.
You may have not made all your goals but you are here and thats what matters.
Here we are with a new year and new expectations....
Lets believe we can do it
Lets take small steps and build on them
Dont lose focus and accept the small improvements