Hi Guys

Ive never experienced this before and just need to know if it is anxiety related, last night when i went to bed i was getting a few cramp like pains in my lower left arm, i ignored it as u do otherwise it would open a big can of worms and id be worrying if its my heart as we all do, but then i started getting a burning prickly sensation in my arm and my stomach going up into my chest, it was horrible and scarey and i panicked like mad, i was at the point of waking my other half up to take me to hospital as i was convinced i was about to have a heart attack but i didnt and i lay there trying to calm down and relax i eventually fell asleep like this and was surprised to wake up this morning.

PLEASE PLEASE tell me if this is 'normal' in anxiety i have never had it before and hope i never get it again.

