Hi Folks,

I have decided to start this thread as I was feeling distinctly uncomfortable hijacking the ACT thread.

The title I have chosen for this new thread is Schema Therapy Revisited. I should briefly explain that I was first introduced to Schema Therapy about 18 months ago. It immediately struck me as most appropriate to my needs. I will also add that I was first diagnosed with OCD more years ago than I care to remember and, more recently, GAD has made its unwelcome presence known. I have grappled with lots of different therapies, spiritual approaches and medications to get a grip on my problems over the years.

In the run-up to Christmas last year, I attended a 12-week CBT group NHS course specifically aimed at OCD sufferers. During the last two weeks, the therapists involved in that course have concluded that my needs run deeper and Schema Therapy has been recommended. Yesterday, I completed the 232 questions on Dr Jeffrey Young's YSQ-L3 questionnaire, which I shall submit for assessment next week. The aim is to identify my problem schemas - core beliefs that I hold about myself.

I know of at least one other member of this community who is currently engaged in Schema Therapy but there must be many more. If you are one such person, then please let us know how you are progressing with this type of therapy.

Thanks in advance.
